Writing on software design, data science and company building.

All of my long-form thoughts on programming, leadership, product design, and more, collected in chronological order.

Brief Introduction to RSA Cryptosystem

This is a note on the RSA cryptosystem which covered by the course MATH 312 at University of British Columbia.

Light, Dark and System Modes in Next.js with TailwindCSS

The complete pattern for dark mode is to allow users to choose between light, dark and system modes. System mode means that the website will automatically switch between light and dark mode based on the system settings.

The Normal Equation Proof

We have several approaches to get the global minimum of the cost function for linear regression, including normal equation and gradient descent. This article will give the proof of normal equation.

Typical Viz Mistakes That Distorting Values

In data visualization, some people distort data on purpose of misleading their audience but most people do this just because of their inexperience. This article will introduce three typical mistakes resulting in distortion.